2025 Democratic Party Reorganization (ReOrg)
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Arapahoe County Democratic Party Reorganization
Rangeview High School Auditorium
17599 E Iliff Ave, Aurora, CO 80013
Check-in: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Gavel: 11:00 AM
The Democratic Party starts with neighborhood volunteers in thousands of county and local parties throughout the USA. We use teamwork to build power locally and to apply that power to local, state, and national policy. You can add to the effort!
Each odd-numbered year, Colorado Democrats re-organize our party at every level. Arapahoe Democrats will meet on Feb. 8 to elect new officers for our county party and for districts within the county. We’ll also elect committee members to the state party and to districts that cross county lines.
Any registered or pre-registered Democrat living in the county can run for party leadership positions. Read more below:
How Can I Participate?
Join one of these Zoom sessions to learn about how reorg works and how to run for party leadership:
Ready to get involved? Click here to register for the Arapahoe Dems reorganization
What Positions Are Open?
The leadership positions listed below are all up for election at the Feb. 8 reorganization meeting. There are so many ways to get involved!
Arapahoe County only:
County Party Officer
County Commissioner District Officer
County Platform, Rules, Outreach, or Credentials Committee member
State Senate District Officer (for SD 29, entirely inside the county)
State House District Officer (for districts entirely inside the county)
Multi-County Districts:
Congressional District bonus member (Officers will be elected at their respective reorganizations on March 1.)
NEW for 2025: multi-county House & Senate districts will not elect bonus members. Their precinct organizers will be voting members instead. (Officers will be elected at their respective reorganizations in March.)
State Central Committee bonus member (Officers will be elected at the state reorganization on March 8.)
State Executive Committee bonus member
State Platform Committee member
Note: Precinct organizers (PO) were elected at the 2024 caucus and will serve till 2026. We won't elect new POs at reorg. But there's room for more. Email info@arapahoedems.org if you're interested and we'll see if there's a PO spot open in your precinct.