Party Leaders & What They Do

Basic Structure of the Colorado Democratic Party

The Colorado Democratic Party organizes from the ground up.

Precinct Organizers (POs - elected at Caucus) organize and share information with voters in their precinct.  POs and other volunteers organize within, and receive support and direction from, their State House Districts (HDs).

House Districts, each run by a board of officers and a central committee, carry out the work of the Democratic Party - introducing Democratic ideas & candidates, connecting with the larger community, and creating a structure in which Democrats run for office and win.  House Districts receive support from their County Party (or parties if they sit in more than one county).

The County Party, also run by a board of officers and executive and central committees, supports the house districts' work and expands the reach by organizing across the entire county.

The State Party, which is also governed by a board of officers and executive and central committees, provides guidance and support to the county parties.

Precinct organizers are elected at the Caucus in March every even-numbered year.

A Precinct Organizer (PO) is the representative of the Democratic Party in their own neighborhood. A PO connects with neighbors to help them learn about elections, issues, and candidates.

Interested? There are often spots left open after Caucus. Read our Precinct Organizer page, then email and we'll see if there's a PO spot open in your precinct.

Party Officers

Officers are elected at the county, district, and state party reorganizations ("ReOrg") in February and March every odd-numbered year.

A Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary are required for each House, Senate and County Commissioner District.  Second Vice Chairs and Treasurers are encouraged to add their skills and knowledge and share the responsibilities.  All District Officers who reside in Arapahoe County are automatic members of the Arapahoe County Democratic Party Executive Committee, which meets monthly on Zoom. 

State House District (HD) Officers 

Democratic Party activities are centered in our House Districts (HDs).  HD leadership is key to the strength and success of the Party.  HD's foster community engagement throughout the year and organize volunteers to help Democrats win elections.  

Typical HD Officer roles are outlined below, but Officers are encouraged to share their strengths and interests and divide HD duties as best fit their board.   

HD ACTIVITIES can include the following.  Training and support are available from the County and State parties.  

State Senate District (SD) and County Commissioner District (CCD) Officers 

Each SD and CCD elects a board of Officers to recruit Democrats to run for office in that district, and may support the candidate in the general election.  The board also runs a vacancy election should the elected State Senator or County Commissioner leave office during their term. 

County Officers  

Per the Arapahoe County Democratic Party Rules:


Committee members are elected in February and March every odd-numbered year, in the county, district, and state party reorganizations ("ReOrg").

State Central Committee (SCC) - SCC members elected at County ReOrg attend State ReOrg a few weeks later to elect the State Party Officers; they meet several more times throughout the year in different areas of the state; they generally govern the State Party.

State Executive Committee (SEC) - SEC members elected at County ReOrg meet one or more times throughout the year; the main responsibility is to vote on the State Party budget. 

County/State Platform Committees - Each House District (HD) elects one member to serve on the State Platform Committee to revise and update the Democratic State Party Platform; these committee members also serve on the County Platform Committee which makes suggestions to the State Platform Committee.  

County Rules Committee - Each HD elects one or more people to serve on the County Rules Committee; members update the County Rules to stay in compliance with law and State Party Rules.

County Outreach Committee - Each HD elects one or more people to serve on the County Outreach Committee, members work towards strengthening ties between the Democratic Party and the surrounding community.

County Credentials Committee - One or more people from each HD serve on the County Credentials Committee which assists with registration and participant eligibility at County Assembly & Convention; may help with County ReOrganization too.